Testimonials "Powerful, all Detectives should know what Farley knows. This has been one of the best presentations I have attended during this conference. Bob Farley is excellent”
Crimes against Children Conference, Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center
Dallas, Texas
"So interesting, best of the Symposium! .... I can’t wait to share this with my staff”
National Children’s Advocacy Center. 26th National Symposium
Huntsville, Alabama
"GREAT…. This is a must attend course for all law enforcement officers”
John E. Reid and Associates
Chicago, Illinois
"Robert Farley was a fantastic trainer. I would attend any training seminars that he puts on. Excellent course, thank you, bring Robert Farley back.”
The Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College
Columbus, Ohio
Senator Patrick J. O'Malley congratulates Robert as the recipient of the Illinois State Crime Commission General Excellence Award. |
"Scary, eye opening and very informative. Bless you for your work in protecting children.” Another Look at Child Abuse and Prevention Conference
Saint Francis College, Virtus and Catholic Charities
Brooklyn, New York
"By far the best seminar I have ever heard. This has taught me as a parent and case manager. This should be shared with parents everywhere. Thanks”
Annual Training Symposium – Prevent Child Abuse Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
"Very informative presentation. Brilliant instructor with excellent training skills. A wonderful man, I congratulate him and all my best wishes.”
International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children - INTERPOL
Computer Facilitated Crimes against Children Seminar
Amman, Jordan
"Thank you for the eye-opening experience and thank you even more for the work that you do. I wish that we had a million more like you. God Bless as you work to protect the children and youth in the world.”
Arkansas Catholic Schools Professional Day, VIRTUS
Little Rock, Arkansas
"Excellent module, Detective Farley should be a trainer to all in this field; this instructor is very interesting and dynamic.”
International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children - INTERPOL
Computer Facilitated Crimes against Children Seminar
Madrid, Spain
"The training you presented in Columbus was one of the finest I have attended in my 15 years as a probation officer, chief probation officer, adjunct professor and victim services coordinator.”
The Ohio Attorney General’s Conference on Victim Assistance – Two Days in May, Columbus, Ohio
"The instructor is very enthusiastic about the subject and knows the subject very well… Thank you!!!"
International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children - INTERPOL
Computer Facilitated Crimes against Children Seminar
Bucharest, Romania
"Mr. Farley is very knowledgeable and excited about what he does. His energy and excitement is catchy."
Annual Child Abuse Summit
Portland Oregon
"Mr. Farley is very energetic and very knowledgeable. His personality allows for the information to be absorbed easier."
U.S. Department of Justice OJJDP Child Abuse Training Seminar
San Diego, California
"The information you presented will help us supervise sex offenders immensely."
Iowa Board for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers Training Conference
Des Moines Iowa
“Thanks to you for presenting a wonderful program for Child Representatives in the Domestic Relations Division. Your efforts were most appreciated by the attendees."
Presiding Judge Moshe Jacobius, Circuit Court of Cook County
Chicago Illinois
"Thank you for coming to Toledo and giving an awesome presentation! You wowed the crowd with all your knowledge."
Lucas County Community Prevention Partnership / Diocese of Toledo
Toledo Ohio,
"This to me was the best so far. Bob Farley was excellent. Presented very well, simplified material. Kept my interest throughout."
U.S. Department of Justice, OJJDP Regional Child Abuse Training Program
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
"Excellent, passionate, informative. As a doctor it was great to hear another side of the story."
Physical Child Abuse Injury Reconstruction Training Seminar
Portland, Oregon
"Detective Farley, as always, was very dynamic. This was an excellent training"
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Training Seminar
Waianae, Hawaii
"Greatest training I’ve had! Lots of info I can use in my field….I will be a better investigator because of this course"
Crimes against Children Conference. Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center
Dallas, Texas
"Mr. Farley was a dynamic instructor and provided a lot of excellent information. His real case examples were very informative and interesting".
Protecting Children Online Training Conference
San Diego, California |